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Kelly Nash
Degree in Performing and Screens Arts, Major in Dance. Choreographer, Teacher, Performer and ConTact C.A.R.E Practioner. Lives in Aoteroa, NZ.
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Nancy Wijohn
Degree in Performing and Screen Arts, NZ. Dancer, Model, Choreographer, Teacher and Contact C.A.R.E Practitioner. Lives in Aotearoa NZ.
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Georgie Goater
Bachelor of Performing and Screens arts Dance, MA in Dance Pedagogy at Theatre Academy, Helsinki in 2019. Improviser, Facilitator, Dancer, Teacher, Choreographer. Based in Helsinki, Finland.
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Gesa Piper
Masters of Dance Pedagogy, Theatre Academy Helsinki Bachelor of Arts, Dansmaker Department (HKA, NL)
Dancer, Collaborator, Director, Choreographer and Lecturer.
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